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Clinical Counselling

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marriage counselling

Marriage and Relationship Counselling

Feeling stuck in a marriage or relationship can be extremely difficult – it can take bliss from each part of your life. Now and then, you may accept that on the off chance that you can simply quiet your reactions, your relationship will improve over the long haul. In any case, has this technique at any point worked for you yet? Is it true that you are maybe acknowledging since time has not fortified your organization, yet may even have debilitated it? With this acknowledgment, it tends to be hard to tell where to go straight away. What can save your relationship when the entirety of your past endeavours has fizzled?

This is the place where a Marriage and Family Therapist can direct you in discovering balance inside your marriage or relationship, permitting you to relinquish any hatred and additionally outrage you may feel toward your accomplice. Now and then couples think time or maybe having kids will bring them closer or bring satisfaction back into the relationship. Regularly, this is living in a fantasy land, which keeps couples from handling genuine issues or issues in their relationship. Aversion is a typical route for couples to adapt to things that they feel are out of their control. In any case, you may now have arrived at a point where you are worn out on staying away from your issues and have settled not to do it anymore.

clinical counselling

Everyone faces the odd bout of anxiety from time to time, but a genuine anxiety disorder can be nothing less than crippling to a person’s everyday life. The difference is that while normal anxiety may accompany a somewhat unsettling or unpleasant event in life; those with an anxiety disorder may find themselves feeling wholly terrified of situations and scenarios that, for others, would be no cause for concern at all.

marriage counselling

By speaking to a registered and highly experienced private anxiety disorders psychiatrist to help you deal with your anxiety, you will be able to rid of the disorder that may have robbed your freedom for such a long time. Those not afflicted by anxiety disorders simply cannot imagine the feeling of having your whole body being overwhelmed with fear or abject terror for largely no reason at all and without warning.


While many of the symptoms associated with anxiety disorders are both obvious and predictable, others have a tendency to go overlooked. By speaking to a registered and highly experienced private anxiety disorders psychiatrist to help you deal with your anxiety.

Anxiety disorders manifest in many ways and no two cases are ever the same. However, there are certain types of anxiety disorders that present frequently, which include the following:


  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Feelings of worry and fear that manifest without any real trigger and can be overwhelming, often going on many hours of the day. There may be worrying thoughts, physical symptoms of worry such as a fast heartbeat or breathing, sweating, stomach butterflies, a knot in one’s chest or just feeling muscular tension and on edge.


  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – Repetitive and distressing behaviours or thoughts are the key indicators of OCD. These thoughts or behaviours can be about hygiene, security, cleanliness, orderliness or just about anything.


  • Panic Disorder – Panic attacks that come out of nowhere and have no real explanation, or indeed may occur in specific contexts. A panic attack can involve a rapid heartbeat, shallow fast breathing and often a deep sense of dread.


  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – When an individual suffers from chronic anxiety in the wake of a traumatic or distressing event/period in life. The individual may experience unwanted flashbacks about the event, wake with nightmares, avoid situations that remind them of the trauma and be generally hyper-vigilant, always on edge.


  • Phobias – these generally an irrational fear of something that is relatively harmless.

Child Counselling

With respect to this, Child psychologists are trained to help children understand what is going on in their minds, bodies, and lives – in a way that they can. It addresses issues that hamper a child’s mental health and well-being. Child counselling is a major area is a demanded therapy of the hour and the service of a child counselor is important in society.

Bodhi counselling center works in this area to help children build their confidence and self-esteem by providing a safe space and environment for children to talk about their difficulties and worries. Bodhi’s Child counselors aim at making a difference in the child’s life by motivating and encouraging them.

Adolescence Counselling (For age 12-18)

As the name suggests Adolescence counselling aims at helping young children share their concerns by making them aware of their feelings, behaviors and thoughts. Bodhi adolescence counselling works for the overall well-being of a person and adolescence is the most vulnerable age where adequate intervention is required. This is mainly because these teenagers are confused and are exposed to a wide variety of options which leads to competition, thereby resulting in depression. Our expert adolescence counselors are frequent handlers of case-related drug abuse, peer pressure, study pressure, mood swings and learning issues or disabilities which are few other concerns of this age group. Bodhi counselling centres focus on a systematic approach to solve their delicate issues that can turn teenagers into productive and worthy citizens of tomorrow.

career counselling

Treating Depression

Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and self-correcting, but for a significant minority, this is not the case. For those individuals, it is important to seek treatment just as you would any other health condition. Here we discuss six warning signs which, together, might indicate that it’s time to seek professional help.

Depression treatment

What are the signs?

1. You’ve been feeling low or irritable for most of the day, every day for two weeks or more. You might have found yourself worrying about past or future events for long periods of time, or simply feeling sad, cross or tearful. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize a gradual change – have others noticed that you don’t seem your usual self?

2. You’ve lost interest in activities that you used to enjoy. Perhaps you have been seeing less of your friends or family recently, have stopped going to the gym, or cooking balanced meals. This is really about recognizing changes in what’s normal for you – no one is saying you have to exercise five times a week or eat your greens, but changes in your routine can offer concrete indications that your mood is changing.

3. You are struggling to concentrate. You might notice that you struggle to focus when reading or watching television, for example, or to follow the thread of a spoken conversation. This could be affecting your performance at work, or limiting your ability to perform routine tasks such as food shopping. Again, we are looking for a change in what’s normal for you, so if concentration has always been something you find tricky there is little cause for concern.

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.

— Robert Frost

Depression, like many mental health conditions, follows ‘the rule of thirds: One-third of sufferers will make a full recovery, one-third will partially respond to treatment, and one-third will not benefit from treatment at all. Your age, the duration of your symptoms, having a family history of depression, and co-occurring mental or physical health difficulties might all affect your prognosis. Some researchers believe that there is evidence for a ‘scarring’ effect, where the likelihood of suffering from a relapse in depression increases with the number of episodes you have already had. There is also an increased risk of suicide associated with severe depression.