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Training and Certification

Bodhi HR Training and Certification

Bodhi provide Human Resource certification courses for Individuals who are looking to improve their skill in HR or individuals who are looking for a career shift into HR.

professional guidance

Human Resource is a back bone of every organisation. Bodhi provide Human Resource certification courses for Individuals who are looking to improve their skill in HR or individuals who are looking for a career shift into HR. Courses that are promised by Bodhi are Human Resource Management, Payroll Management, People Management or Employee Relations, Recruitment or Hiring, etc; are the few major courses that experts in Bodhi provide at their best. Coaching and certification is provided for each course. After the short-term course, individual will be able to work in both middle and high-level structured organisations. Their roles are limited to Human Resources and its subsidiaries. Certified individuals can be better productive in any organisation they want to work with, whether it is small size firms and mid-level firms or even multi-national companies.

Some organisations are hesitant to add an extra cost of maintaining human resource officials inside their organisation. But human resource is call of the hour. People management and employee relations are most important to maintain long lasting and committed employees in every organisation. Due to tough competition and changes in job, retention of employees is a major setback to every organisation. Human Resource professionals are skilled employees in these areas. Their expertise focuses the employees in every organisation to handle situations and discuss their grievances. Employees feel secure and energetic when they are treated well. Thus human resource professionals are very much needed in every organisation.

Courses Offered by Bodhi

Human Resource Management

Like any other Field, in Human resources, one needs to grow every single day by learning new things. This is why taking online HR courses with certificates is the easiest way to be ahead of the curve.

Course Title : Human Resource Management
Certification Type : Micro Certification Program
Course Fee : Rs. 8,500/-
Total Hours : 10 hrs Course
Ingredients : 6 Topics + 3 Case Study


– Manpower Planning
Performance Management
– Compensation and Benefits
– Safety and Healthy Environment
– Exit Management, Retention and Attrition

Recruitment Skills

Attract and hire the best candidates to meet your organization's needs with expert-led courses offered by Bodhi. Enrol Now and upgrade your knowledge on all aspects of recruiting

Course Title : Recruitment Skills
Certification Type : Micro Certification Program
Course Fee : Rs. 5,000/-
Total Hours : 5 hrs Course
Ingredients : 4 Topics + 2 Case Study


Job design and job analysis
– Types of Sourcing
– Interview and Selection
– Onboarding and Employee Relations

People Management Skills

Develop your people management skills, enhance your leadership skills and become a successful line manager with this online course offered by Bodhi

Course Title : People Management Skills
Certification Type : Micro Certification Program
Course Fee : Rs. 7,000/-
Total Hours : 6 hrs Course
Ingredients : 6 Topics + 2 Case Study


– Introduction to People Management
– Getting Work Done By Others
– Assessment and Evaluation
– Dealing with difficult people
– Building Peer Networks
– Managing Self

Leadership and Management

Advance your career and build new skills with online leadership and management course and Learn how to become a more successful leader, improve communication and make better decisions

Course Title : Leadership and Management
Certification Type : Micro Certification Program
Course Fee : Rs. 10,000/-
Total Hours : 10 hrs Course
Ingredients : 8 Topics + 2 Case Study


– Leader vs Manager
– Quality of a Leader
– Communication and Negotiation
Team Building
Change Management
Problem solving
Decision making
– Strategy Management

Interview skills

Take your interviewing skills to the next level with a top-rated online course from Bodhi that helps you showcase your knowledge, skills, abilities, strengths, and interests to potential employers during a professional job interview.

Course Title : Interview skills
Certification Type : Micro Certification Program
Course Fee : Rs. 5000/-
Total Hours : 5 hrs Course
Ingredients : 6 Topics + Case Study


– How to score during Interviews
– Skills and Attitude
– Non-verbal Communication
– Dress Code and Appearance
– Active Listening
– Overall Performance


Enrol for online course from Bodhi to learn what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Learn how to raise funds, create a plan, and start and manage your own business.

Course Title : Entrepreneurship
Certification Type : Micro Certification Program
Course Fee : Rs. 10000/-
Total Hours : 10 hrs Course
Ingredients : 6 Topics + Case Study


Business Plan
– Marketing Strategy
– Operation
Financial Planning
– Leadership
– Laws and Regulations